Homework 5 in STAT400: Computational Statistics @ CSU
Be sure to set.seed(400)
at the beginning of your
The two-parameter Exponential density is \[ f(x) = \lambda e^{-\lambda(x - \gamma)}, \qquad x \ge \gamma, \lambda > 0, \gamma \ge 0. \] The cdf of the Exp(\(\lambda, \gamma\)) is given by \[ F(x) = \int\limits_{\gamma}^x \lambda e^{-\lambda(x - \gamma)} dx = \int\limits_{0}^{x - \gamma} \lambda e^{-\lambda u}du = 1 - e^{-\lambda(x - \gamma)}, \qquad x \ge \gamma. \]
Continue Problem 2 from Homework 4 (the Rayleigh distribution). Goal: you will use the code that you created last week for Problem 2. to learn more about sampling distributions. Here we are going to investigate the sampling distribution of the median of the Rayleigh distribution.
Generate \(n = 3\) samples from a Rayleigh(1) distribution and estimate the median of the sample. Now repeat this process to generate \(m=100\) estimated medians.
Repeat part a but using \(n=100\) samples from a Raleigh distribution.
Repeat parts a and b but using \(m=1000\).
Draw a histogram of the estimated medians for parts a-c. This is
the sampling distribution of the median of the Rayleigh(1) distribution.
Compare your histograms from parts a-c. Make sure that your x axes have
the same range for all 4 plots (see ?ggplot2::xlim
). And
put all the plots together. You can use this format to start your code
chunk to get the plots to appear together and smaller:
{r fig.show='hold', out.width='50%'}
Let \(\hat{\theta}_i\) denote the estimated median from the \(i\)th sample. Estimate \(E[\hat{\theta}]\), \(se(\hat{\theta})\), and \(bias(\hat{\theta})\) for parts a-c. Compare your estimates from parts a-c.
A random variable \(X\) has the
Lognormal\((\mu, \sigma)\) distribution
if \(X = e^Y\), where \(Y = N(\mu, \sigma^2)\). That is, \(\log X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)\). Write a
function to generate from a Lognormal\((\mu,
\sigma)\) distribution using a transformation method and generate
a sample of size \(1000\) for \(\mu = 1\), \(\sigma = 0.25\). Compare the histogram with
the lognormal density curve given by the dlnorm
function in
Generate a random sample of size \(1000\) from a normal location mixture. The components of the mixture have \(N(0, 1)\) and \(N(3, 1)\) distributions with mixing probabilities \(p_1\) and \(p_2 = 1 - p_1\). Graph the histogram of the sample with density superimposed for \(p_1 = 0.1, \dots, 0.9\) and observe whether the mixture appears to be bimodal. Make a conjecture about the values of \(p_1\) that produce bimodal mixtures.
Turn in in a pdf of your homework to canvas. Your .Rmd file on the server will also be used in grading, so be sure they are identical and reproducible.
Be sure to share your server project with the instructor and grader:
Open your hw-1 project on liberator.stat.colostate.edu
Click the drop down on the project (top right side) > Share Project…
Click the drop down and add “stat400instructors” to your project.
This is how you receive points for reproducibility on your homework!