
Homework 2 in STAT400: Computational Statistics @ CSU


The City of Fort Collins maintains a web portal to host data sets that are available to the public in a format that citizens can easily search, filter, and utilize (https://www.fcgov.com/opendata/). In particular, they have released the earnings of city employees from 2010-2018.

Each of these data sets are included in this repo under the data/ folder.

  1. Write a function that will take a year (2010-2018) as an input parameter and do the following:
    • Load the corresponding CSV into R (i.e. “data/[year]_Fort_Collins_City_Employee_Earnings.csv”, see paste()).
    • Extract the Job Title, Department and Earnings columns.
    • Change the column names to job_title, department, and earnings.
    • Make job_title and department values lower case (see tolower() and mutate_at()).
    • Add a column called year with the appropriate year.
  2. Apply your function to all years available of the city employees data (2010-2018) and store your results in a single data frame (see rbind for binding rows of data frames together).
  3. For those departments that have over 25 unique job titles, make a plot that depicts earnings over time by department in the city of Fort Collins.

Turn in in a pdf of your homework to canvas. Your .Rmd file on the server will also be used in grading, so be sure they are identical and reproducible.

Be sure to share your server project with the instructor and grader:

  1. Open your hw-1 project on liberator.stat.colostate.edu

  2. Click the drop down on the project (top right side) > Share Project…

  3. Click the drop down and add “stat400instructors” to your project.

This is how you receive points for reproducibility on your homework!